How To Melt Oreo Cream

Melt Oreo Cream


The Microwave Method

The microwave is one of the easiest and convenient methods when it comes to heating or melting certain foods. This is no different with oreo cream. Simply follow these steps to melt oreo cream in the microwave. The microwave method is one of the easiest ways of melting anything. This method is simple and quick. Simply follow these steps.

What You Need

  • A microwave safe dish or bowl
  • Your oreo cookies
  • A non metallic spatula

Steps for Oreo cream In The Microwave

  • Scrape the filling out of your Oreos into a microwave safe bowl,
  • Turn your microwave on for about 50% power or low to medium heat and place your oreo cream to heat up for 5 minutes or so.
  • Remove your oreo cream from the microwave and stir it.
  • If your cream has not melted put it back in the microwave and repeat the process for another 30 seconds or so
  • Take out your oreo cream and use it as desired,

Make sure that you keep an eye on your oreo cream because each microwave is different. It may be tempting to simply leave your oreo cream in the microwave but make sure that you take out your oreo cream and stir it regularly for the best results. Also, make sure that you do not melt your oreo cream at a heat that is too high.

The Stovetop Method

Another effective way of melting oreo cream is on the stove. It is just as quick and effective as the microwave method. Do take extra precautions when making use of the stovetop method to melt your oreo cream.

What You Need

  • A double boiler or a small pot or pan with a bowl if you do not have a double boiler
  • Your oreo cookies

Steps For Heating Oreo Cream On The Stovetop

  • Scrap the cream of your cookies and put it inside the top pan of your double boiler. You can make use of a bowl as a top pan if you do not have a double boiler.
  • Put some water inside your bottom pot of your double boiler or pan or place your bowl over your pot or pan.
  • Set your stove to medium to low heat and let the pan/pot heat up
  • Place the bowl or pan with the oreo cream on top of the bottom pot or pan over barely simmering water
  • Make sure that the bottom part of your bowl or pot does not touch the water inside your pan or pot
  • Stir your oreo cream gently until it has completely melted.
  • Use of a heat-safe rubber spatula to scrape the sides of your bowl as you stir your oreo cream
  • When the cream has melted serve as desired

The Water Bath Method

The water bath method is another effective way for melting oreo cream. This method is also just as quick and effective. Also, the water bath method is ideal for melting a lot of cream at the same time.

You Will Need

  • A slow cooker
  • Mason jars
  • Your oreo cream

Follow These Steps

  • Scrap the oreo cream of your oreo cookies and place it in mason jars
  • Fill up a slow cooker with some hot water
  • Set your heat on medium to low heat and leave the lid off
  • Put the mason jars inside the water and let the cream heat up
  • Make sure that no water gets inside the mason jars
  • Leave your slow cooker with the lid off for 10 or so minutes for the oreo cream to melt
  • Take out your mason jars and stir the oreo cream
  • Serve as desired

The Sandwich Bag Method

The sandwich method is also an effective way for melting oreo cream. This method is also perfect for drizzling and decorating with the oreo cream.

What You Need

  • A plastic
  • Your oreo cream

Follow These Steps

  • Scrap the oreo cream of your oreo cookies and place them inside a plastic bag
  • Seal your plastic bag completely so that water does not sip in
  • Put the plastic bag inside some warm or hot water
  • You can put the plastic bag inside another plastic bag to ensure that water does not sip in
  • When the oreo cream has melted use a scissors to cut a small corner of the bag in order to drizzle it

Tips For Melting Oreo Cream

Heat is critical when melting or heating up anything including oreo cream. You must control heat when melting or warming up anything. When exposed to too much heat too fast, your oreo cream may get an icky, grainy texture or it can burn completely. Make sure that you heat your oreo cream on low heat. Also stir your oreo cream with a non-metallic spatula for best results.

Uses Of Oreo Cream

There are so many uses of melted oreo cream

  • Dip: You can use your melted oreo cream for a light dessert,

Melted oreo cream can make a good dip for your favourite fruits,

Simply put the melted oreo cream on a parchment paper; add some sprinkles and let it stand until it has set.

  • Drizzle: You can also use your melted oreo cream as a drizzle,

This is perfect for waffles, milkshakes, or homemade candies. Simply drip, drizzle, or splatter your melted oreo cream on top.

You can use the cream to make the decoration pop.

  • Decorate: Just like any other cream, you can use your melted oreo cream for decorations if you have a birthday or a special event.

You can make use of a sandwich bag to create your DIY piping bag. You can use your melted oreo cream for icing as well. Oreo cream can be used to write a special message on top of your cake or add a nice design.

  • You can used both the cream and the cookies to make ice pops. Simply crush-up the oreos, add some heavy cream or milk, put the mix in mini drink cups with popsicle sticks and let them freeze.

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