Where To Find Star Anise In Grocery Store

Find Star Anise In Grocery Store

Star anise is a spice which is very popular in the culinary world. It positively transforms dishes by adding so much flavour. If you are searching for where to find star anise in grocery store then you have definitely come to the write place. Below is a list of sections or aisles where star anise is commonly placed. There is also a list of grocery stores that usually sell star anise.


Which section or aisle to find star anise in grocery store

The first place where you can find star anise in grocery store is at the spice aisle. This is because star anise is a spice.

However, if you do not find it in the spice aisle the next place where you can find star anise is at the international aisle. It will be placed next to Indian products or Latin products. This is mainly because star anise is commonly used in Indian and Latin cuisines.

If you do not find star anise in all the above stated areas then move on to check the bulk section. You might find star anise there.

What grocery stores sell star anise?

Amazon– this is actually the easiest place to buy star anise. All you have to do is order it online. You can actually find different brands of star anise which you can choose from on Amazon.

Walmart– check the spice aisle at Walmart. They sell the ground and whole star anise. They usually have brands like Hoosier Hill Farm, Morton, Frontier Co-op and Bassett.

Target– check the spice aisle at Target hey usually sell star anise.

Safeway– at Safeway they usually have different brands of star anise. Some of the brands that they usually have include Badia, Spicely, Morton and Bassett.

Kroger– at Kroger you can different brands of star anise which you can choose from.

Publix– if there is a Publix store in your area then you can definitely buy star anise there. They always have it in store.

Whole foods market– they have their own store brand of star anise which you can buy. However, they also sell other brands like Frontier Co-op and Spicely.

Local health food store– you can buy star anise at your local health food store. Check for it at the spice aisle or bulk bin section.

Ethnic markets– if there are any Indian or Latin markets in your area then you are most likely going to find star anise there. This is because it is commonly used in Indian and Latin cuisines.

What is star anise?

Star anise is a seed pod from the illicium verum plant, a shrub that is evergreen and native to South west China. The pod is shaped like a star that is why it is referred to as star anise. In the culinary world, star anise is added to food because of its distinct flavour which is very pleasant. However, star anise is often confused with anise seed of which these two ingredients are from different plants but they have somehow a similar taste. Star anise is from the magnolia family whereas the anise seed is from the parsley family.

Taste of star anise

Star anise tastes like the anise seed. It has a very distinct flavour that is sweet, warm and spicy. The flavour of star anise can also be compared to that of fennel seed, licorice and clove. The flavour of star anise pairs well with ingredients like nutmeg, beef, poultry, onions and ginger.

How to use star anise

Star anise can be used when making stews and soups. It adds a lot of flavour to food that is why most people love using it. Star anise is sold in 2 versions. There is the whole star anise and the ground star anise. In most cases the whole star anise is added to braised dishes, stews and soups. It is added so that it can infuse a lot of flavour to the dish but, it is removed right at the end before serving the dish. On the other hand, ground star anise is used in the same way as other ground spices. It is simply added to foods while cooking. It is worth noting that ground star anise tends to lose its flavour faster than whole anise. Therefore, it is advisable to buy the whole anise and grind it each time you want to use it in powdered form. Star anise should be used in small quantities as it has the potential of overpowering all the other ingredients in your dish.

How to store star anise

Star anise should be stored in an air tight container which should be placed in a cool, dark area away from sunlight and air. This is because star anise is very sensitive to light and moisture. It will start losing its flavour. When whole star anise is stored in an air tight container and in the right conditions it can last for up to 1 year. However, ground star anise tends to last for up to 6 months in an air tight container. This is mainly due to the fact that when star anise in grounded it starts losing most of its flavour.

Health benefits of star anise

Star anise helps to cure colds and flue

Star anise is commonly used as a natural remedy for flue. It contains shikimic acid a compound that helps to treat flue in humans. So if you are suffering from a cold simply boil the star anise and take it as a tea. It will help to fight the flue.

Star anise helps to improve digestion

Star anise contains phytonutrients which stimulate the digestive tract. It helps to reduce bloating, gas, indigestion and constipation. Therefore, this is also another home remedy you can use if you have any digestion problems.


Star anise can be found at different grocery stores. Simply follow the store guide above and you will find star anise within a short period of time. Most of the stores highlighted in this article usually display the available products on their website. So before going to the stores you can always check which brands of star anise are available.

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