Substitute For Pine Nuts

Substitute For Pine Nuts

Pine nuts have a sweet and subtle flavour and are considered one of the fanciest amongst all the nuts. As such they are highly priced.  However, there are cheap alternatives to pine nuts, which you can still allow you to enjoy your favourite recipes without spending too much money on the nuts.  Also, pine nuts have become a must-have ingredient in culinary art because the nuts can be used in starters, the main course, as well as desserts. Pine nuts taste great with any flavour ranging from sweet to sour. They are also buttery and crunchy and are collected from female cones of pine trees. There are two varieties of pine nuts which include Italian pine nuts and Chinese pine nuts, both are in high demand in the market. However, due to their intensive harvesting process and the labour required, pine nuts are expensive compared to the other kinds of nuts.

Making your favourite recipes with pine nuts should not be heavy on your wallet. There are a variety of substitutes to consider in place of pine nuts. Below are some of the alternatives you can consider in place of pine nuts in your recipe.



Our first option when it comes to substituting pine nuts are almonds. Almonds are considered as an excellent substitute for pine nuts. Both almonds and pine nuts have a similar texture. However, almonds impart a comparatively subtle flavour compared to pine nuts. They have a rich texture and work well in desserts. Roasting and silvering almonds intensifies their flavour plus you can use them in place of pine nuts in most recipes that require them.


Also on our list of substitutes for pine nuts are walnuts. Walnuts are a little bitter in comparison with almonds and pine nuts but they can be a suitable substitute for pine nuts in your cuisine. You can roast and remove their skin in order to reduce their bitterness. You can also chop, pound, or crush the walnuts, and add them in your favourite recipe instead of pine nuts. Walnuts work well with almost any recipe that may require pine nuts.


Another substitute you can consider for pine nuts are pistachios. Pistachios are also an excellent alternative to pine nuts especially when you want to prepare Pesto sauce. Pistachios accentuate the green colour of the sauce and give a sweeter taste to it. Also, adding a bit of parsley to your meal will balance out the sweet taste of pistachio. This sweet and green nut will beautify your meal. You can add pistachios in almost any dish that requires pine nuts.


Another excellent substitute for pine nuts are pecans. Pecans are a more sweet-flavoured and mild compared to walnuts, and therefore, they are preferred by most people. Pecans are some of the most popular and high valued edible nuts worldwide. They can be used as a substitute for pine nuts in desserts and bread as well. Roasting them as per your need will make your meal more delicious. You can use pecans in almost any dish that may require pine nuts.


Hazelnuts also make a great alternative to pine nuts. They may not be as prevalent as pistachios and walnuts, but hazelnuts can replace pine nuts in a lot of meals. You can experiment with hazelnuts in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines. Hazelnuts also blend well with chocolate. Simply sprinkle chopped hazelnuts on your salad to enjoy the sweet crunch. You can add hazelnuts in almost any dish that requires pine nuts.


Peanuts are also a great alternative to pine nuts and they are considered as your cheapest substitute for pine nuts. The best ones are your unsalted or honey-roasted peanuts because they add a delicious flavour to your meal. However, it is best to avoid peanuts if you are allergic to peanuts or if some of your family members are.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are another great option when it comes to selecting alternative for pine nuts. However, macadamia nuts are not necessarily cheaper than pine nuts. Together with mint and parsley in the Pesto sauce, macadamia nuts work wonders. Macadamia nuts have a strong flavour compared to pine nuts. Also, macadamia nuts are rich and creamy and are easily incorporated in sweets and desserts. You can use them in almost any dish that may require pine nuts.

Cashew Nuts

Also worth considering when it comes to substitutes for pine nuts are cashew nuts. Cashew nuts are considered as one of the close replacements for pine nuts. Consider buying cashew nut pieces, because it will be easy on your wallet than purchasing whole cashew nuts. Also, roasting cashew nuts boosts their flavour plus you can combine cashews with  lemon zest and raisins in your dishes for a delicious sweet and savoury flavour.

Sunflower Seeds

Also on our list of substitutes for pine nuts are sunflower seeds. If you are allergic to nuts this is your best option. If you are in need of a nut-free replacement for pine nuts, sunflower seeds are an excellent substitute. Sunflower seeds will add some crunch to your sauce, salads, and other dishes. However, they might impart a grayish colour to your food. Keep in mind that sunflower seeds may dilute the green colour expected in Pesto sauce preparation but they still make a good substitute for pine nuts.

Pumpkin Seeds

Another alternative to pine nuts that is nut free are pumpkin seeds. A lot of recipes are available that use pumpkin seeds or pepitas instead of pine nuts or in place of pine nuts. Pumpkin seeds also make a great source of proteins and minerals. They are also a perfect alternative to pine nuts if you or one of your family members suffers from nut allergies. You can use pumpkin seeds in almost any dish that may require pine nuts.

There are plenty of options to choose from when you are in need of alternatives for pine nuts or any kind of nuts. Also, the nuts mentioned above can be easily substituted for in any dish that may require pine nuts.

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