Spelt Flour Substitutes

Spelt Flour Substitutes

Spelt flour is a type of flour that is used by many bakers and pastry chefs as a healthier alternative to wheat. They normally opt for spelt flour because it has less gluten as compare to wheat flour and it is actually easier to digest. Spelt flour is high in fibre and protein.  Furthermore, it contains other vitamins and nutrients which help to improve the immune system. Some of the common health benefits of spelt flour are that it helps to regulate blood sugar levels and also reduces the risk of succumbing to heart attacks. If you would love to try out a spelt flour recipe and you do not have the spelt flour you can substitute it with some of the low gluten flours highlighted in this article.


Einkorn flour

Einkorn flour can be used as a spelt flour substitute this is because it contains less gluten just like spelt flour. Furthermore, einkorn flour is easy to digest even for people who are gluten sensitive although you first have to consult your doctors. Einkorn flour is a traditional and ancient type of wheat that is white in colour and it has a very light texture.  Einkorn flour is very high in protein and contains a lot of fibre as compared to the original wheat. It has a high amount of carotenoids and it when it is used for baking it gives a golden delicious colour to the baked goods and also it adds a sweet nutty flavour to the baked goods. However, when baking it is a bit harder to use since it lacks elasticity due to the different gluten structure so it is important to avoid over kneading the dough. Einkorn flour absorbs less water so you have to adjust the quantities. The other downside of einkorn flour is that it is expensive to buy as compared to spelt flour.

Emmer flour

If you do not have spelt flour in your kitchen you can opt to substitute it with emmer flour. Emmer flour is also an ancient type of wheat and it contains less gluten. It is a very good spelt flour substitute especially when baking bread or muffins. Emmer flour is very rich in fibre and protein and it has a nutty flavour to it.

Kamut flour

When you do not have spelt flour you can substitute it with kamut flour. It is also referred to as khorasan wheat or oriental wheat and it also another type of a traditional wheat and it contains a lower amount of gluten. Kamut flour is slightly sweeter than normal wheat and it has a buttery flavour to it.  It is a perfect spelt flour substitute especially when making pastries or bread. Kamut flour is very high in fibre, protein as well as vitamins and minerals like manganese and vitamin B thus making it a very healthy alternative. Kamut flour as a substitute of spelt flour needs to be thoroughly kneaded since it contains a higher fibre content and the other trick is to use more water so that the mixture does not dry out.

Amaranth flour

If you are looking for a gluten free substitute for spelt flour then amaranth is the go to ingredient. Amaranth flour comes from the seeds of the amaranth plant and it has a slightly nutty taste. It usually works well with non-rising items like biscuits, flat bread and pancakes. However, if you want to make rising bread recipes then you have to use it in combination with another flours like wheat flour.

Barley flour

Barley flour is very low in gluten thus making it a good spelt flour substitute. Barley flour is made from dried and ground barley and it is a perfect substitute for spelt flour when you are making leavened loaves of bread and other baked goods. When comparing it to spelt flour, barley flour also has a high protein level and low fat content. Barley flour has a nutty flavour which comes through in many dishes that is why most people use it for baking. For recipes that require the flavour profile of the spelt flour it is not advisable to use barley flour since it overpowers the dish with its nutty taste.

Rice flour

Rice flour can also be used as a spelt flour substitute and rice flour is actually a gluten-free alternative so if you someone who is trying to run away from gluten foods then this is the right ingredient for you. You can buy either white or brown rice flour depending on your preference. White rice flour is more refined than brown rice flour and thus it has less nutrients as compared to brown rice flour. However, most people prefer using white rice flour because it has a lighter texture and mild flavour as compared to brown rice flour. On the other hand brown rice flour has bran in it and it needs to be put in the refrigerator so as to extent its shelf life. Brown rice flour works best as a substitute of spelt flour when it is used to make energy bars and dense bread. When used to make other dishes it tends to overpower the flavours.


Spelt flour is a healthier alternative to wheat flour since it has a lower gluten level. However in some instances spelt flour can be hard to find thus, it is wise to resort to using substitutes of spelt flour. There are a low gluten spelt flour substitutes and some of them include einkorn flour which is a traditional type of wheat and it tends to be more expensive as compared to spelt flour. If you cannot find einkorn at your local store then you can buy emmer flour, kamut flour or barley flour. If you are very gluten sensitive then you can consider resorting to gluten free options like amaranth flour and rice flour. It is also important to note that each flour has its own unique properties so there is need clearly follow instructions when using it as a substitute for spelt flour.

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