How To Reheat Grits

Reheat Grits

Grits are known to be super versatile and are enjoyed all over the world, both as a savoury breakfast dish and an addition to dinners. It is a quick and easy to make meal and can be personalized in any way you want it to. Also, grits are amazing when done well, but can taste quite bland or even just unpleasant if the heating process is not done well. Grits are not the type of dish you want to just put in the microwave and hope for the best, at least not without preparation.


The Stovetop Method To Reheat Grits

One of the most effective ways to warm up grits is on the stovetop. Warming up grits on the stovetop is also the recommended method for heating up grits. Reheating them on the stovetop does not take time. The stovetop method makes it easy for you to stir in some extra liquid if you need to, plus it offers the best burn control.

  1. Place your grits in a non-stick saucepan,
  2. Stir your grits with a little bit of milk, water, or broth,
  3. Put the heat on low, and start reheating,
  4. Stir continuously,
  5. If the grits start getting too thick or lumpy, you should add some extra water, milk, or broth,
  6. Break up the chunks as if you are stirring, as you want a nice, even texture,
  7. Ensure that you scrape the bottom to prevent the grits from sticking to it,
  8. After just a few minutes, your dish should be warm and you can serve when ready,

The Microwave Method

Another effective way to reheat grits is in the microwave. Although it is not the best method it is still effective.  If you are in a hurry, heating up grits in the microwave is quick and ideal. Simply follow these steps,

  1. Place your grits in a microwave safe dish,
  2. Add a bit of water, milk, or broth and stir,
  3. At a medium setting, reheat your grits for about 30 seconds,
  4. Take your grits out and stir,
  5. You can add some extra liquid if there is a need,
  6. Heat your grits for another 30 seconds to 1 minute, and check to see if your dish is warm enough,
  7. When you are satisfied with the texture and warmth, take your dish out and serve when ready,

The Oven Method To Reheat Grits

The oven method, is also another effective way to heat up grits. As much as it can be ideal the oven method should be treated as an optional method, since it’s definitely not the best out of the three. However, if you only have access to an oven, you can safely make use of the oven method to heat up  your grits. Simply follow these steps.

  1. Take out your grits from the fridge and let them cool,
  2. Put them in an oven-safe dish,
  3. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit,
  4. Add some water, milk or broth to your grits,
  5. Place the lid on the container,
  6. Heat up your grits for 2-3 minutes, then add more liquid, and put them back in the oven if needed,
  7. Be very careful when using the oven method because your grits may become dry, or thick,

The Toaster Oven Method

The toaster oven method is also an effective way to heat up grits. If you do not have access to a microwave or a regular oven you can heat up your grits in a toaster oven. Keep in mind that the toaster oven is not the best method when it comes to heating up grits.  Simply follow these steps to heat up grits in the toaster oven.

  1. Take out your grits from the fridge and let them cool,
  2. Put them in an oven-safe dish,
  3. Preheat your toaster oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit,
  4. Add some water, milk or broth to your grits,
  5. Place the lid on the container,
  6. Heat up your grits for 2-3 minutes, then add more liquid, and put them back in the toaster oven if needed,
  7. Be very careful when using the oven method because your grits may become dry, or thick,

The Advantages and Disadvantages to reheating up Grits

Some of the advantages of reheating grits include

  • Not having to waste and toss out extra food,
  • You can create a simple make-ahead meal,
  • The reheating process is incredibly simple,
  • Your grits will retain their flavour,
  • You can enjoy your leftover grits or grab an on-the-go pre-made meal for any day and for any meal.

Some of the disadvantages of re-heating your grits

  • Grits can become rubbery, thick or dry if not heated properly,
  • All types of meals retain moisture so it is important to follow the correct procedures when reheating otherwise you may lose the texture and taste of your dish after you reheat it,
  • Freezing your meals for too long may result in your meal experiencing freezer burn,

The Best Way To Store Grits

If you plan on making grits for another day, or have made too much to consume in one day there are 2 ways you can store your grits which are in the refrigerator or in the freezer. To store your grits it is best not to let them cool completely but rather store them whilst they are lukewarm in a heavy ceramic or cast iron pot with a lid. In order to store your grits for a much longer period of time, you should put them in an air-tight container and store them for up to 3  days in the fridge.

Another way to store grits is in the freezer. Especially when it comes to savoury variants, such as cheesy grits or shrimp grits, because they are known to freeze well. Simply, grab a cooking pan, spray it with non-stick cooking spray, and spread the grits into the pan, then top it with cheese. Then cover your dish with foil and allow it to fully cool before freezing. You can store your grits  for up to 1 month in the freezer.

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