How To Reheat French Toast

Reheat French Toast

French toast has the ability, that when reheated, it tastes almost the same and just as delicious as when it did when it was first prepared. There are various methods to heat up French toast, including on the stovetop, toaster oven, and microwave. Below the various ways to warm up French toast are described below.


The Microwave Method To Reheat French Toast

One of the most effective ways of reheating French toast is in the microwave. A microwave is perfect for those who want quickly reheated food. Even better, French toast can be reheated in the microwave straight from the fridge or freezer. Follow these steps to warm up your French toast in the microwave.

  1. Place the slices of French toast in the microwave and lay a damp paper towel over the French toast.
  2. Heat it in short sessions of 15 or 20 seconds, and ensure that you check your French toast after each reheating cycle.
  3. Once the French toast is hot, throw away the paper towel and enjoy your meal.

Keep in mind that your French toast might dry out in the microwave. It is important that you make use of a damp paper towel to prevent moisture loss, which could cause the French toast to dry out, and result in the French toast to becoming soggy and unappealing.

The Toaster Or Toaster Oven Method

Another way you can heat up your French toast is through a toaster or a toaster oven. It is also an easy and quick way to reheat your French toast. A toaster or toaster oven allows for quick results, plus you can have good control over how long your toast is left in the toaster or toaster oven. The results will guarantee crispy and delicious French toast. Simply follow these steps to warm up your French toast in a Toaster Oven.

  1. To use a toaster oven you simply place your French toast on the toaster oven tray and leave it there until it is heated up and crispy.
  2. If your slices are firm and not crumbly, you can place them in a regular toaster.
  3. Put your toaster onto a lower setting so that you do not burn your French toast. Ensure that you clean the toaster tray once the French toast has been reheated, as the sugary crumbs could cause smoke when the toaster is used again.
  4. When done simply remove the French toast slices and your toast should be ready to serve

Although you have control over how long your French toast is left inside the toaster or toaster oven, leaving it in for even a minute too long may burn and essentially ruin your French toast.

The Stove Top Method To Reheat French Toast

Another effective way of warming up your French toast is using the stove top. A stove top is a good option, as it simply repeats how you cooked your French toast in the first place. The stovetop is a relatively quick option to use in order to reheat your French toast, you just need to wait for the skillet to heat up. You only need a pan or skillet with some butter or cooking spray.

Simply follow these steps to warm up your French toast;

  1. First, heat up a skillet or stove-top griddle on medium heat and give it a quick coating with cooking spray.
  2. Place your French toast slices on the pan and keep a close eye on them.
  3. Flip as required and when warm, your French toast is ready.

The French toast slices will heat up in no time, only taking a minute or so to heat up on both sides. Once the French toast has been heated thoroughly and is crispy again, remove it from the heat.

If your French toast is slightly soggy, you can add some crisp back into it by melting some butter onto the skillet and heating it at a slightly higher temperature. However, make sure that your skillet is not too hot. If you leave the French toast on for even a minute too long, it might burn and dry out and not be as edible as you may want it to be.

The Oven Method

Using the oven is another great way of warming up your French toast. With an oven you can heat up large family portions of French toast in one go. The oven method is one of the effective ways of heating up French toast since it allows for even heating throughout, also your French toast remains moist on the inside, and crispy on the outside. Follow these steps to heat up your French toast to use the oven method. First coat a baking sheet with cooking spray, and then lay the French toast slices down evenly.

  1. Leave about ½ inch space between each slice of French toast.
  2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
  3. Place your baking sheet with the French toast into the preheated oven
  4. Watch the toast carefully as it reheats and turn the toast after every 4 minutes, allowing it to crisp on both sides.
  5. You can warm up frozen French toast straight in the oven, but it may take a few minutes longer than refrigerated slices.
  6. The air movement in the oven allows the French toast to be heated evenly throughout, while still allowing for a crispy coating,

The only disadvantage with using the oven method is that you have to wait for the oven to preheat before placing the French toast inside and then wait for your toast to warm up which can take a bit of time. When you are hungry, the oven method can feel like a lifetime.

Ways To Store Your French Toast

There are ways you can keep your French toast for later. You can freeze your French toast since it allows you to cook quite a few pieces at once.  You can just wrap the French toast in heavy-duty aluminium foil to give it protection in the freezer or put in freezer bags.

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