How To Reheat Candied Yams

Reheat Candied Yams

Candied yams, one of the most popular holiday dishes can be reheated in a number of ways. Below are 3 methods that you can use to reheat candied yams such that they retain their flavour and texture. Carefully follow the step by step guide in order to achieve satisfactory results.


What are candied yams?

Candied yams are a southern dish that is commonly made using yams or sweet potatoes that are mixed together with ingredients like sugar and butter. The sugar and butter melt together and form a syrup which then caramelises the yams or sweet potatoes to give them that nice flavour. Ingredients like maple syrup, cinnamon and marshmallows can also be added just to elevate the flavour of the dish.

Reheat candied yams in the oven

NB: this is the widely recommended method for reheating leftover candied yams. This is because the oven does not sacrifice the texture and flavour of the candied yams.

Step 1

In order to reheat candied yams in the oven the first thing is to preheat the oven to 350F.

Step 2

While the oven is heating up, take the candied yams and place them in a baking dish. Cover the dish with aluminium foil. This will help to trap heat inside and ensures that the candied yams reheat properly.

Step 3

Place the baking dish in the oven and let the candied yams reheat for 25 minutes in the oven. After the estimated time mark, check to see if the candied yams have completely reheated.

Step 4

If the candied yams are ready, remove them from the oven and serve.

NB: a toaster oven works as a perfect substitute for an oven. So simply follow the same instructions if you are planning on using a toaster oven to reheat candied yams.

Reheat candied yams in the microwave

NB: this is the fastest and easiest method for reheating candied yams. However, make sure you keep a close eye on the candied yams or else they will burn.

Step 1

When reheating leftover candied yams in the microwave the first thing you have to do is to place the candied yams in a microwave safe bowl.

Step 2

Cover the bowl with a wet paper towel or wet cloth. Place the candied yams into the microwave and let them reheat for 1 minute. After the 1 minute time mark remove them and check if they are completely reheated. If not, place them back and reheat for an additional 30 seconds. Repeat the process until the candied yams have completely reheated.

Step 3

Once the candied yams are ready, remove them from the microwave and serve.

Reheat candied yams on the stove

NB: this method requires you to babysit the candied yams or else they will burn.

Step 1

When reheating candied yams on the stove, the first thing you need to do is to place a skillet on a stove that is switched on to medium heat.

Step 2

Place the candied yams inside the skillet and let the candied yams reheat. The amount of time that the candied yams will take to reheat is based on the quantity of candied yams that you are reheating.

Step 3

Gently stir the candied yams while they are on the stove. This will help to ensure that heat can really circulate around the candied yams.

Step 4

When the candied yams are warm enough, remove them from the stove and serve immediately.

NB: once candied yams have been reheated it is not advisable to place them back into the fridge or the freezer. This is mainly because you will be exposing them to bacteria.

How to store candied yams

If you have leftover candied yams which you plan on reheating the next day then you need to be well equipped on the different storing options that are available. Here are a few options that you can resort to when storing candied yams.

Store candied yams in the fridge

NB: this method stores candied yams for only 4 days.

When using the fridge to store candied yams you need to start by ensuring that the candied yams have cooled down. This is because storing cooked candied yams while they are hot may cause the temperature of the fridge to change. Once the candied yams have cooled down you need to place them in airtight container and store them in the fridge. Use them within 4 days or else you risk eating candied yams that have turned bad.

Store candied yams in the freezer

NB: the freezer preserves leftover candied yams for up to 1 month.

When storing leftover candied yams in the freezer the first thing that you have to do is to let them cool down to room temperature. This is mainly because if you place them in the freezer while hot, they will alter the temperature of the freezer. This will in turn ruin the shelf life of other foods in the freezer. So when the candied yams have cooled down, place them in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. Alternatively you can use a freezer bag. When you have placed the candied yams in a freezer bag, take out as much air as possible before sealing the bag. This will help to prevent freezer burn. The next step is to label the freezer bag with the date in which you are storing the leftover candied yams in the freezer. This will help you to keep track of when they are most likely to expire. Use the candied yams within a month.

Serving suggestion for candied yams

Candied yams are often prepared on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas and on these days they are often served with turkey, mashed potatoes and dinner rolls. Caramelised yams can also be served with salads, cornbread and chicken. However, it is worth highlighting that you shouldn’t limit yourself to only serving candied yams with these foods. You can also find other foods that pair well with candied yams.


Reheating candied yams is an easy task especially when following this easy guide. Remember to always follow a method that is convenient for you.

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