Brown rice flour is a gluten free flour used for baking, frying and thickening sauces. It is made from grounded whole grain brown rice and it has better nutritional value as compared to wheat flour. Brown rice has a slightly nutty flavour as compared to other flours that do not have a distinct taste. Brown rice flour is high in fibre, it has calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin B. This shows that brown rice flour has many nutrients which actually help to boost the immune system and also it helps to reduce cholesterol in the human body. Due to the nutrients found in brown rice flour many people across the world buy it in large quantities such that it becomes scares to find in the grocery store. However, this shouldn’t limit you from cooking you favourite meals that require brown rice flour, you can simply use substitutes of brown rice flour. This article highlights the different brown rice flour substitutes you can make use of especially when you are baking, frying or making a sauce.
Brown rice flour substitute when baking
NB: if you use brown rice flour for baking because you are gluten intolerant then the following substitutes are definitely for you since they are gluten free.
Sorghum flour– this is the best brown rice flour substitute since it is gluten free. Sorghum flour is also known as jowar flour and it is made from 100% whole grain sorghum and it is very healthy.
Almond flour– this is also an excellent substitute for brown rice when you are baking since it is gluten free. It is made with blanched almonds.
Coconut flour– this type of flour does not contain any gluten thus it is also a good brown rice flour substitute. Coconut flour is made from coconut pulp that is left over when making coconut milk. The pulp is left to dry and then ground to form coconut flour. No additives are needed to make coconut flour thus it is a healthy substitute for brown rice flour.
Amarantha flour– it’s a substitute for brown rice flour that is made from seeds that are found on the amarantha plant. The seeds are grinded to form amarantha flour and they are gluten free
Arrowroot flour– it is also referred to as arrowroot powder. It is gluten free and made from extracting the starches of the arrowroot plant.
Tapioca flour- it is gluten free and a substitute of brown rice flour when baking. It is made from crushing the pulp of the cassava root.
Oat flour– when substituting brown rice flour with oat flour it is important to ensure that the oat flour is clearly labelled gluten free since there are some brands of oat flour that contain gluten.
Brown rice flour substitute when frying
NB: when looking for a brown rice flour substitute it is important to know that brown rice flour does not absorb a lot of oil when it is used for frying thus, the substitute for brown rice should be something that does not absorb a lot of oil.
White rice flour– you can use white rice flour as a brown rice flour substitute when frying
Potato starch– this is an excellent substitute for brown rice flour because it is gluten free and also when you fry using potato starch it leaves a crispy coating on the food and also it does not absorb a lot of oil.
Corn starch– it can also be used as a brown rice flour substitute this is because corn starch is gluten free. Corn starch is made from maize and it is also a healthier alternative. When used for frying corn starch does not absorb a lot of oil meaning the food will have fewer calories.
Brown rice flour substitute when thickening sauces
All-purpose flour– if you are not gluten intolerant then you can use all-purpose flour to thicken sauces and gravies.
Plain white rice flour– this is also a good substitute for brown rice flour since it is gluten free.
Rice flour– it has a few granules but it can be used as a substitute for brown rice flour when thickening sauces.However, rice flour can interfere with the texture of the sauce when added in large quantities that is why you should only add a little bit of it to the sauce and mix well.
Corn starch– this is the best substitute for brown rice flour because it is gluten free and it produces the same results when used in sauces or gravy. However, the technique for using corn starch is different than the one you use with white rice flour. When using corn starch you need to first mix the corn starch with water then you can pour it into the sauce.
Brown rice flour is a healthy ingredient to use when cooking and it is very popular because it has many health benefits for example it reduces cholesterol in the body. Brown rice flour is also gluten free that is also another reason why it is popular. The downside of brown rice flour is that it quickly runs out of stock since most people love it so it is important to find a substitute for brown rice flour if you want to cook recipes that require it. When finding a brown rice flour substitute for baking it is important to use gluten free substitutes since brown rice flour is also gluten free. You can use sorghum flour, almond flour, oat flour, tapioca flower, coconut flour, amarantha flour and arrowroot flour.Furthermore, when substituting brown rice flour for frying purposes you can use corn starch, potato starch or even white rice flour. Moreover, for recipes that require brown rice flour forthickening sauces or gravies you can substitute it with corn starch, plain white rice flour, white rice flour and also all-purpose flour. It is important to know that the technique used for adding the white rice flour and corn starch to sauces are different so you can check this article for clarification.